To navigate your deliveries, simply click on the Upcoming page. Here, you will see a list of your upcoming deliveries. You are able to alter your orders as far as four weeks in advance.
From the Upcoming page, you can scroll down to the order of your week of choice and click the button that says “Change Meals” or the button that says “Manage Week”.
By clicking “Change Meals”, you are able to do any of the following:
Switch up meal selections
Change the quantity of a selected meal
Change how many meals you receive in a delivery
When you’re done making adjustments, click “Save” to seal the changes.
By clicking the “Manage Week” button, you can make changes under “Meal Options” or “Delivery and Pickup Options”. Under “Meal Options”, you are able to:
Change the number of meals you receive in a delivery
Skip delivery
When you are finished with your changes, click “Accept and Save”.
By clicking on “Delivery and pickup options”, you are then able to choose your delivery options by clicking on either “Delivery” or “Pick Up”.
Due to COVID-19, our pick-up locations are temporarily shut down. Please contact us if you have any concerns on the matter. Next, you can specify delivery dropoff details by looking under “Special delivery instructions” and clicking on the textbox that reads “Help us find where to leave your delivery”. An example of a delivery instruction is, “Leave my delivery in front of the side door”, or “Apartment building access code is 4730. Leave at the front door”.
Underneath this text box is a direct link to Account Settings if you need to change your delivery address. Once you are finished making changes, click on “Accept and Save”.
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